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the story is almost here...
The Way of Waldorf Garden
The Enchanted Garden of Learning, created by
the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner
— one of the most outspoken and controversial thinkers in history
spiritual teacher
public intellectual
cultural critiс
The Boy That Was Destined to Be Called “The Secret of The Century” 
nce upon a time, in a small village nestled between gently rolling hills and whispering forests, a curious boy named Rudolf was born. It happened
in 1861, in a place now known as Croatia.
Rudolf was a bright child with eyes full of wonder and a mind buzzing with questions about the world around him
s a young boy, Rudolf loved to roam
the countryside. He watched around and the seasons change, and marvel at nature’s mysteries. His father worked
for the railroad, and this job took the family to different places, exposing Rudolf to many new ideas and landscapes.
Johann Goethe
As Rudolf grew older, his thirst for knowledge led him far from his village
The works of Johann Goethe, the famous German poet and scientist, opened Rudolf’s mind to the wonders of both the seen and unseen worlds
e went to the Vienna Institute of Technology. There Steiner studied science, mathematics, philosophy, and literature. As time went by, Steiner did
his vision too. While gazing at the stars, Rudolf had a revelation: the world we exist in is only part of a greater, more wondrous universe.
human being"
or "wisdom of the
Steiner pondered over the connections between the soul and the sky, the rhythms of nature and the poetry of the planet
udolf delved into the mysteries of both the human spirit and the cosmos. He began to speak of the path of knowledge that bound the earthly
and the divine, like two sides of a beautiful coin. Steiner gave that path a name.
ideas through his extensive writings, lectures, and countless consultations all over Europe. He hoped they would blossom into a new culture.
eople were looking for initiatives to nurture their reality with happiness. Steiner established the Anthroposophical Society and kept sowing seeds of his
And in the aftermath of World War I, the world craved the renewal
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Steiner designed 17 buildings, He was never a professional architect and artist, but his buildings are among most curious modernism’s structures.
and visual arts
Work with doctors to create a new approach Anthroposophical medicine. Guidance to create a pharmaceutical company Weleda, now distributes naturopathic medical and beauty products worldwide.
Steiner's agricultural ideas promptly spread and were put into practice international and biodynamic agriculture is now practiced in many countries
He suggested that the cultural, political and economic spheres of society need to work together as consciously cooperating yet independent entities, each with
a particular task
Social reform
Work with doctors to create a new approach Anthroposophical medicine. Guidance to create a pharmaceutical company Weleda, now distributes naturopathic medical and beauty products worldwide
Together with Marie von Sivers, Rudolf Steiner developed the art of eurythmy, sometimes referred to as "visible speech and song", also founded a new approach to acting, storytelling, and the recitation of poetry.
Performing arts
the first School in Stuttgart, Germany. It was called "Waldorf" after the factory. This School was the place where started, what we now know as Waldorf Education.
e wanted Rudolf to help create a school
for the children of the workers in his cigarette factory. Rudolf was excited by this challenge, and in 1919 he opened
One day, a factory owner named Emil Molt came to Rudolf with a request
Steiner’s first school flourished as a garden. It was filled with wonders and mysteries that could only be revealed by the curious being of children.
Let’s take a small journey through a class in a Waldorf School
n this school, children learned in an unlike any other and exciting way. Rudolf showed them how to witness the fascination around and in themselves.
He was sure that learning should touch every part of a child — head, heart, and hands. In a Waldorf School, this enchanted realm is always there, waiting to sprinkle its stardust on our imaginations.
Here you won’t see kids sitting all day at their desks, listening to the teacher standing in the front of the room. Instead, you’ll see kids learning through art, play, cooking, music, and outside exploration. In a Waldorf School, magic is the essential ingredient that turns learning into a spellbinding adventure.
Steiner taught to see beyond the surface in His talks of science and art
o the pragmatists of his time, Rudolf’s ideas are met with skepticism and sometimes scorn. And so, the tale of Rudolf Steiner whispers through the
leaves of the Waldorf schools. A story of a man whose genius was as misunderstood as it was magnificent. A story for those who dare to dream, and to see the miracle hidden in plain sight.
click on the leaf
Non-commercial project
Created by Anna Zenina
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