ideas through his extensive writings, lectures, and countless consultations all over Europe. He hoped they would blossom into a new culture.
eople were looking for initiatives to nurture their reality with happiness. Steiner established the Anthroposophical Society and kept sowing seeds of his
And in the aftermath of World War I, the world craved the renewal
Steiner designed 17 buildings, He was never a professional architect and artist, but his buildings are among most curious modernism’s structures.
and visual arts
Work with doctors to create a new approach Anthroposophical medicine. Guidance to create a pharmaceutical company Weleda, now distributes naturopathic medical and beauty products worldwide.
Steiner's agricultural ideas promptly spread and were put into practice international and biodynamic agriculture is now practiced in many countries
He suggested that the cultural, political and economic spheres of society need to work together as consciously cooperating yet independent entities, each with
a particular task
Work with doctors to create a new approach Anthroposophical medicine. Guidance to create a pharmaceutical company Weleda, now distributes naturopathic medical and beauty products worldwide
Together with Marie von Sivers, Rudolf Steiner developed the art of eurythmy, sometimes referred to as "visible speech and song", also founded a new approach to acting, storytelling, and the recitation of poetry.